體驗香港傳統精髓:郭錦記的正宗中秋月餅 Experience the Heart of Hong Kong Tradition: Kwok Kam Kee’s Authentic Mooncakes for Mid-Autumn Festival

體驗香港傳統精髓:郭錦記的正宗中秋月餅 Experience the Heart of Hong Kong Tradition: Kwok Kam Kee’s Authentic Mooncakes for Mid-Autumn Festival

Foods, Living in HK
今個中秋節未食傳統月餅?真係要趁住仲有時間即刻入貨啦! 🎑 郭錦記係香港嘅老字號品牌,佢哋嘅月餅全部都係由長洲嘅老師傅手工製作,保證係無添加防腐劑,新鮮製造,味道非常傳統而且正宗。 如果你同我一樣鍾意試唔同口味,郭錦記仲有多款選擇可以滿足你嘅味蕾! 四式傳統月餅包括: 雙黃白蓮蓉、雙黃紅豆沙、五仁金腿等,全部都係經典之選。 如果你想嚐嚐啲新潮口味,佢哋嘅奶皇月餅亦都備受好評,流心款嘅月餅更可以叮一叮再食,味道特別香濃。 中秋節講求嘅就係儀式感,無論你係蛋黃控,定係想輕輕淺嚐,郭錦記嘅月餅款式多樣化,部份月餅款式甚至可以單買!🎁 你仲唔快啲去銅鑼灣SOGO 超市層選購或者經HKTVmall購買呢啲中秋限定嘅月餅。 快啲行動,趁月餅最新鮮嘅時候,買番一盒同屋企人一齊分享呢個中秋佳節嘅傳統美味啦!🎉 Eshop: https://www.kwokkamkee.com IG: https://www.instagram.com/kwok_kam_kee/ If you're looking for a special gift to share a bit of Hong Kong culture, mooncakes are a perfect choice, especially during the Mid-Autumn Festival! This festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture, celebrated with family reunions, lanterns, and, of course, mooncakes. 🎑 Mooncakes symbolize togetherness and the full moon, which is a symbol of reunion and harmony. When you gift someone a mooncake, you’re offering more than just a pastry; you’re sharing a piece of tradition that represents unity and the appreciation of relationships. For people in Hong Kong, Mid-Autumn is a time to gather with family, admire the bright moon, and enjoy mooncakes together,…
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Small-Scale Evacuation: The Silent Exodus of Hong Kong’s Professionals

Small-Scale Evacuation: The Silent Exodus of Hong Kong’s Professionals

Living in HK
In recent weeks, Hong Kong has witnessed a concerning trend among its professionals, particularly those in specialized fields such as veterinary medicine, pathology, and political research. Many of these professionals are facing challenges with visa renewals or are being pressured by their respective universities to leave. This has led to a significant outflow of talent, raising alarm bells about the city's future in maintaining its high standards of professional expertise. A professor recently relocated to Europe, citing mounting pressures. This move, described as a "small-scale evacuation" from Hong Kong, reflects a broader trend that is not merely about replacing expatriates with mainland Chinese professionals. Similarly, a friend of mine has decided to move to Singapore to start anew, highlighting the drastic steps professionals are taking to find stability and security.…
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Just Landed Accommodation in Hong Kong

Accommodations, Living in HK
Join our whatsapp broadcast list now to get the first hand info! (Hong Kong Flats) >>>> https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ia6s7RvpZ7T3kj9ve3sR19 A shorter stay may fit when you are just arriving a new city, providing space and time for you to explore the city, do some researches before deciding a better place for a longer stay Recommended just landed solution in Hong Kong: Monthly Serviced Apartments by www.morris-property.com Daily Hotel Deals Long Stay Option (Accommodation min one year) Monthly Serviced Apartments by www.morris-property.com Hong Kong Flats (Facebook Group) Finding Flatmates in Hong Kong (Facebook Group) Hong Kong Flats (Facebook Group in Chinese) More to Read: https://hongkongexpatscommunity.com/54/expats-guide-tips-budgeted-stylish-living-in-kowloon-hong-kong/
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The Facebook groups we are managing

As of 3 Dec 2023 Find Apartments Studio Share Flats In Hong Kong - NO FEE RENTALS (34.4k members, Expats Rentees in Hong Kong) https://www.facebook.com/groups/hongkongapartments/ 奧運站/大角咀 港灣豪庭 業主社群 (9.1k members, Local landlords in Hong Kong) https://www.facebook.com/groups/metroharbourview Hong Kong Expats Community (6.4k members, Expats in Hong Kong) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1507111189592989/ 港漂圈 (1.5k members, Chinese in Hong Kong) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1254176577958125
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ตำรวจฮ่องกงจับกุมชาย 2 คน แช่เจ้าหน้าที่เล่นน้ำสงกรานต์ ระวังเมื่อคุณไปฮ่องกง

ตำรวจฮ่องกงจับกุมชาย 2 คน แช่เจ้าหน้าที่เล่นน้ำสงกรานต์ ระวังเมื่อคุณไปฮ่องกง

Living in HK
ตำรวจฮ่องกงจับกุมชาย 2 คนฐานแช่น้ำเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจและนักข่าวในช่วงเทศกาลสงกรานต์ ซึ่งจัดขึ้นที่เมืองเกาลูนเมื่อวันอาทิตย์ ชายเหล่านี้อายุ 25 และ 26 ปี ถูกกล่าวหาว่ายิงปืนในระยะใกล้ใส่เจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจและนักข่าวที่บังคับใช้กฎหมายอย่างต่อเนื่อง รวมทั้งโพสต์วิดีโอเหตุการณ์ดังกล่าวทางออนไลน์ด้วยถ้อยคำที่ปลุกระดม ตำรวจกำลังตรวจสอบว่าเหตุการณ์ดังกล่าวมีการวางแผนล่วงหน้าหรือไม่และอาจทำการจับกุมต่อไป ผู้ชายเหล่านี้ถูกจับในข้อหาก่อความวุ่นวายในที่สาธารณะ คริส ถัง เลขาธิการฝ่ายความมั่นคงกล่าวว่า ตำรวจจะสอบสวนความพยายามใดๆ ที่จะเป็นอันตรายต่อความปลอดภัยสาธารณะ ความสงบเรียบร้อยของประชาชน หรือความมั่นคงของชาติ นอกจากนี้ เขายังกล่าวด้วยว่า เคยมีกรณีคนใช้วัฒนธรรมและสื่อในการกล่าวร้ายต่อประเทศชาติด้วยข้อกล่าวหาที่เข้าใจผิดและยุยงให้เกิดความไม่พอใจต่อรัฐบาลหรือประเทศ The video: https://youtu.be/C9OAVOheJE8 Hong Kong police arrest 2 men accused of soaking officers during Songkran water celebration Hong Kong police have arrested two men for soaking police officers and journalists during the Songkran water festival, which took place in Kowloon City on Sunday. The men, aged 25 and 26, are accused of continuously shooting water at close range towards law-enforcing police officers and journalists, as well as posting a video of the incident online with seditious wordings. The police are investigating whether the incident was planned in advance and may make further arrests. The men have been arrested for causing disorder in a public place. The security…
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Head of deceased Abby Choi found inside a large soup pot filled with carrot soup. The head is initially considered to be intact.

Living in HK
Abby Choi, a 28-year-old socialite who is now the daughter-in-law of the founder of HONG KONG Tam's Yunnan Rice Noodles, was found murdered and dismembered inside a village house in Lung Mei Village, Tai Po. The killer, surprisingly, turned out to be her ex-husband entire family, with the suspected motive being the desire to steal her multi-million-dollar family fortune. The case shocked Hong Kong with its brutal murder and financial greed. Choi's remains were discovered just three days after she went missing, and the investigation involved her troubled relationship with her ex-husband's family and her wealthy background. [caption id="attachment_616" align="aligncenter" width="1006"] Abby Choi's Ex-Husband Family[/caption] According to sources, Choi's ex-father-in-law, a former police officer who had previously been accused of rape, was the mastermind behind the murder plan. He had…
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SmarTone’s “Home 5G Broadband” $100 in monthly fee rebate!

SmarTone’s “Home 5G Broadband” $100 in monthly fee rebate!

Living in HK
Simply apply my unique referral code O5O132 to subscribe to SmarTone's "Home 5G Broadband" service and we can earn $100 monthly fee rebate! Jump on the referral bandwagon now! Learn more about the referral program: Link: https://www.smartone.com/en/H5GBB-Referral-Program/referee_main.jsp?ec=EC9972228D757D93D1122BE0BBC18C58&utm_source=whatsapp&utm_medium=share_button&utm_campaign=referral_program&utm_content=referral_code_en
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HKEC Exclusive!【去uSMART抽綠債18免優惠 + 拎埋HK$1,800開戶優惠】

Living in HK
【去uSMART抽綠債18免優惠 + 拎埋HK$1,800開戶優惠】 需要六月之前開戶口, 並在戶口裏面保持連續30天資產$15,000以上才可獲得開戶優惠 立即登記: Register Link: https://usmartsecurities.com/kol/r/Toa 🎁HK$1,800開戶獎賞 ✅ 高達HK$480現金券 ✅ 高達HK$300超市電子現金券 ✅ 6個月港股LV1串流報價 (總值HK$294) ✅ 線上投資課程體驗券 (價值HK$799) 🎁用uSMART抽綠債有咩Jetso? 新舊客戶免申購認購費、免轉倉費、免存倉費、免到期贖回費、免認購佣金、免首日沽出佣金、免代收利息費、免託管費、免孖展利息 (100%孖展, 免按金)^ 新客開戶後30日內首3次交易—港股及A股免佣金、免平台費、美股免平台費 、新股免暗盤交易佣金、免現金認購手續費、基金免貨幣基金認購費 ^新客適用 以上優惠受條款及細則約束。現金券包括現金兌換券及超市現金券。 足不出戶 uSMART迎新獎勵送到您手*! 2022年4月6日至2022年5月31日 活動詳情 新客戶完成開戶享 一世美股免佣^,港股買賣免平台費 ^只適用於標準賬戶 迎新獎勵 新客戶完成線上開戶並完成以下指定條件,可獲相應的獎賞*: 立即登記: Register Link: https://usmartsecurities.com/kol/r/Toa 指定條件 獎勵 -完成線上開戶並首次入金達HK$15,000至HK$29,999 及 -完成線上開戶起計連續30天賬戶日均資產值達HK$15,000或以上 1. HK$200 超級市場電子現金券 (2張HK$100超級市場電子現金券, 連續2個月,每月派發一張) 及 2. HK$300 現金換領券 (6張HK$50現金換領券: 由收到卡券下一個月起,連續6個月,每個月完成1筆買入股票交易達等值HK$500或以上,可使用1張HK$50現金換領券 及 3.線上投資課程體驗券 (價值HK$799) -完成線上開戶並首次入金達HK$30,000或以上 及 -完成線上開戶起計連續30天賬戶日均資產值達HK$30,000或以上 1. HK$300超級市場電子現金券 (3張HK$100超級市場電子現金券,連續3個月,每月派發一張) 及 2. HK$480 現金換領券 (6張HK$80現金換領券: 由收到卡券下一個月起,連續6個月,每個月完成1筆買入股票交易達等值HK$500或以上,可使用1張HK$80現金換領券 及 3. 6個月港股LV1串流報價 - 移動端 (價值HK$49) 及 4. 線上投資課程體驗券 (價值HK$799) *優惠受條款及細則約束 立即登記: Register Link: https://usmartsecurities.com/kol/r/Toa 優惠活動條款及細則: 1. 活動有效期:由2022年4月6日下午6時至2022年5月31日下午6時 (包括首尾兩日)。 2. 此活動僅限年滿18歳以上並且是香港居民或持海外護照人士參與。 3. 新客戶是指過去 6 個月內並沒有持有本公司的任何交易帳戶。 4. 迎新獎勵必須達到以下所有指定的相關條件才能獲得: 指定條件 獎勵 -完成線上開戶並首次入金達HK$15,000至HK$29,999 及 -完成線上開戶起計連續30天賬戶日均資產值達HK$15,000或以上 1. HK$200 超級市場電子現金券 (2張HK$100超級市場電子現金券, 連續2個月,每月派發一張) 及 2. HK$300 現金換領券 (6張HK$50現金換領券: 由收到卡券下一個月起,連續6個月,每個月完成1筆買入股票交易達等值HK$500或以上,可使用1張HK$50現金換領券 及 3.線上投資課程體驗券 (價值HK$799) -完成線上開戶並首次入金達HK$30,000或以上 及 -完成線上開戶起計連續30天賬戶日均資產值達HK$30,000或以上 1. HK$300超級市場電子現金券 (3張HK$100超級市場電子現金券,連續3個月,每月派發一張) 及 2. HK$480 現金換領券 (6張HK$80現金換領券: 由收到卡券下一個月起,連續6個月,每個月完成1筆買入股票交易達等值HK$500或以上,可使用1張HK$80現金換領券 及 3. 6個月港股LV1串流報價…
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(Exclusive Offer!) Download ZA Bank And Get HKD 288 in 5 easy steps! with referral code C5JC64

Living in HK
(Exclusive Offer!) Download ZA Bank And Get HKD 288! with referral code C5JC64 (From Now to 18 Feb 2022) ZA Bank is a virtual HK bank, it provides a virtual visa debit card and will mail you a real visa card with many spending promotions. Step 1: Download ZA Bank App >>> https://bank.za.group/en/app-download Step 2: Open an account with HKID through the App and Key in the referral code C5JC64  Step 3: Add the virtual visa debit card to the Apple Pay or Google Pay Step 4: Use the card to spend 3 times within the first 14 days Step 5: Got HDK 288 in the card! Remember to key in the referral code C5JC64 when you open an account! The following is an example of rewarding 717 points (HKD 7.17…
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HK Vaccine Lucky Draw! Simple Steps! Even students and domestic helpers (non-PR) could join! First Prize: HKD 10 million flat

2019 Covid, Living in HK
Lucky Draw Website: https://register.vaccinationluckydraw.hk/en/index.html Join Our Facebook Group Now: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hongkongexpatscommunity/ 1 Grand Prize (For HK PR) Brand-new one-bedroom residential apartment at Grand Central Hong Kong residents holding a valid Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card ('Permanent Resident') are eligible to enter the Lucky Draw for the grand prize award - a one-bedroom residential apartment (Unit D, 47/F., Tower 3, Phase 2, Grand Central (凱滙), No. 33 Hip Wo Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong), with a floor area of approximately 449 square feet and a value of approximately HK$10,800,000. Any Hong Kong stamp duty, registration fees and solicitors' fees involved for the winner to receive the grand prize, and the first year management fees in respect of the grand prize, will be solely and fully borne by the Sponsors. 2 Twenty prizes…
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