體驗香港傳統精髓:郭錦記的正宗中秋月餅 Experience the Heart of Hong Kong Tradition: Kwok Kam Kee’s Authentic Mooncakes for Mid-Autumn Festival


🎑 郭錦記係香港嘅老字號品牌,佢哋嘅月餅全部都係由長洲嘅老師傅手工製作,保證係無添加防腐劑,新鮮製造,味道非常傳統而且正宗。




你仲唔快啲去銅鑼灣SOGO 超市層選購或者經HKTVmall購買呢啲中秋限定嘅月餅。


Eshop: https://www.kwokkamkee.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/kwok_kam_kee/

If you’re looking for a special gift to share a bit of Hong Kong culture, mooncakes are a perfect choice, especially during the Mid-Autumn Festival! This festival, also known as the Moon Festival, is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture, celebrated with family reunions, lanterns, and, of course, mooncakes. 🎑

Mooncakes symbolize togetherness and the full moon, which is a symbol of reunion and harmony. When you gift someone a mooncake, you’re offering more than just a pastry; you’re sharing a piece of tradition that represents unity and the appreciation of relationships. For people in Hong Kong, Mid-Autumn is a time to gather with family, admire the bright moon, and enjoy mooncakes together, making it a meaningful way to show care and connection.

Kwok Kam Kee, a heritage bakery from Hong Kong, has been making traditional mooncakes for over 40 years. Their mooncakes are handcrafted using old-school techniques, with no preservatives, ensuring the freshest and most authentic taste. By choosing Kwok Kam Kee mooncakes, you’re not just buying a dessert—you’re embracing a rich cultural experience that brings people closer together. 🌕

If you’re like me and love trying different flavors, Kwok Kam Kee offers a variety of options that are sure to satisfy your taste buds! Their four-flavor traditional mooncake set includes classic choices like double yolk white lotus seed paste, double yolk red bean paste, and five-kernel ham—each one an iconic favorite. For those looking to explore modern flavors, their custard mooncakes are highly recommended, especially the molten lava version, which can be warmed up for an extra indulgent, creamy experience.

Eshop: https://www.kwokkamkee.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/kwok_kam_kee/

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