(AD) 在英國的廣東話律師目錄

在英國的廣東話律師目錄 https://livinintheuk.com/archives/709/ 粵語律師 | 英國中文法律顧問 | 香港律師事務所 | 英國華人律師 | 英國法律諮詢 粵語 | 英國華人法律顧問 | 英國移民律師 粵語 | 英國房產律師 粵語 | 英國房屋律師 中文 | 倫敦粵語律師 | 倫敦華人律師 | 倫敦中文律師 | 倫敦移民律師 粵語 | 倫敦房地產律師 中文 | 倫敦離婚律師 粵語 | 倫敦商業律師 中文 | 倫敦工作簽證律師 粵語 | 曼徹斯特粵語律師 | 曼城華人律師 | 曼城移民律師 中文 | 曼城房產律師 粵語 | 曼城離婚律師 粵語 | 曼城公司註冊律師 中文 | 利物浦粵語律師 | 利物浦中文律師 | 利物浦房地產律師 粵語 | 利物浦移民律師 中文 | 利物浦法律諮詢 粵語 | 伯明翰粵語律師 | 伯明翰華人律師 | 伯明翰移民律師 中文 | 伯明翰房產律師 粵語 | 里茲粵語律師 | 里茲華人律師 | Leeds 房屋律師 中文 | 里茲移民律師 粵語 | 謝菲爾德粵語律師 | Sheffield 華人律師 | 謝菲爾德房產律師 中文 | 謝菲爾德移民律師 粵語 | 格拉斯哥粵語律師 | Glasgow 華人律師 | 格拉斯哥法律諮詢 粵語 | 英國移民律師 華人 | 英國技術移民律師 粵語 | 英國企業移民律師 中文 | 英國學生簽證律師 粵語 | 英國投資移民律師 中文 | 英國人權庇護律師…
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The Facebook groups we are managing

As of 3 Dec 2023 Find Apartments Studio Share Flats In Hong Kong - NO FEE RENTALS (34.4k members, Expats Rentees in Hong Kong) https://www.facebook.com/groups/hongkongapartments/ 奧運站/大角咀 港灣豪庭 業主社群 (9.1k members, Local landlords in Hong Kong) https://www.facebook.com/groups/metroharbourview Hong Kong Expats Community (6.4k members, Expats in Hong Kong) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1507111189592989/ 港漂圈 (1.5k members, Chinese in Hong Kong) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1254176577958125
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(Urgent) Chinese-controlled Media: Beijing to Bypass Hong Kong’s Legislature and Push National Security Law

(Urgent) Chinese-controlled Media: Beijing to Bypass Hong Kong’s Legislature and Push National Security Law

#PRC #Lianghui #CCP #OneCountryOneSystem Chinese-controlled Media: Beijing to Bypass Hong Kong's Legislature and Push National Security Law According to Chinese-controlled news media South China Morning Post, Singtao Daily, OnCC and HK01, the PRC's Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) members in Beijing were notified to attend a briefing session in the evening of May 21. Xia Baolong, Chinese Communist Party member and director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, is expected to be present. Some delegates foresee that Beijing will address Hong Kong’s national security issues at the two sessions ("lianghui (https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/21015)"), including appending national security legislation into Annex III of the Basic Law for the so-called purpose to curb "foreign interference and terrorism". Sources said Beijing will invoke Article 18 of Hong Kong's Basic Law and directly…
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Hong Kong Police Officer Rupert Dover operating illegal airbnb flat for crazy profit, HKD 1200 per night, HKD 1400 (USD 180) per night in weekend

Hong Kong Police Officer Rupert Dover operating illegal airbnb flat for crazy profit, HKD 1200 per night, HKD 1400 (USD 180) per night in weekend

In the advertisement of March 2014, the price of renting the entire homestay was HKD 850 per nigh and HKD 650 per night for a bedroom, but the price rose to HKD 1,200 and 1,400 the following year; the lease period was at least three days and two nights. The post is accompanied by several photos of the garden and the facade of the homestay, which shows that there are thoughts for stylish decoration. In addition to actively posting, Rupert Dover's wife is also active in different groups, actively responding to the posts of house-finding people, and then promoting the illegal homestay in private messages. The rental is not only handled by his wife, Rupert Dover himself also posted in some private groups. For example, in 2018, he posted the…
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Civilians Wave “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution Of Our Times” Flag And Gesture “Five Demands, Not One Less” 

Civilians Wave “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution Of Our Times” Flag And Gesture “Five Demands, Not One Less” 

#Apr26 #FirstHand Civilians Wave “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution Of Our Times” Flag And Gesture “Five Demands, Not One Less” 22:09 26 Apr 2020 | Taikoo, Hong Kong A group of civilians waved the protest flag “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution Of Our Times” and made the sign “Five Demands, Not One Less” with their hands. They also chanted “May God Destroy the Chinese Communist Party”, “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution Of Our Times”. Some showed signs in protest of the Beijing and the Hong Kong authorities' attempt to implenent the controversial anti-subversion law, Article 23. #Taikoo #SingwithYou #Article23 #HongKongProtest #StandWithHK https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/
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HK Police Damage Student Reporter’s Camera, press freedom in HK still?

HK Police Damage Student Reporter’s Camera, press freedom in HK still?

Police Damage Student Reporter's Camera 22:50 | Yuen Long A police officer smashed a student reporter's camera filter with his truncheon during clearing operations on Yau San Street. Pieces of the damaged filter were stuck on the front of the lens, and hence cannot be removed. Source: HKU Undergrad #Apr21 #YuenLong721 #neverforget #neverforgive Riot Police Taunts Child's Legitimate Request for His Identification Documents During Interception Child Responds "Are You Stitching Me Up?" https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/19724
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Beijing: Liaison Office in Hong Kong is not subject to Basic Law

Beijing: Liaison Office in Hong Kong is not subject to Basic Law

#OneCountryTwoSystems #Authoritarianism Beijing: Liaison Office in Hong Kong is not subject to Basic Law Beijing’s Liaison Office in Hong Kong declared on April 17 that it is not subject to Basic Law restrictions that bar central government departments from interfering in local affairs, as indicated in Article 22. The statement claimed that the PRC State Council’s Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office and the Hong Kong Liaison Office are bodies authorised by Beijing to supervise happenings in Hong Kong including the ‘correct’ implementation of the Basic Law and the ‘normal functioning’ of the political system. “How else can these two bodies push forward the implementation of ‘one country, two systems’ in Hong Kong?” the office asked. Source: RTHK (https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/k2/1521237-20200417.htm); Stand News (https://www.thestandnews.com/politics/%E4%B8%AD%E8%81%AF%E8%BE%A6-%E5%85%A9%E8%BE%A6-%E4%B8%8D%E5%8F%97%E5%9F%BA%E6%9C%AC%E6%B3%95%E5%BB%BF%E4%BA%8C%E6%A2%9D%E9%99%90%E5%88%B6-%E5%8F%AF%E5%9C%A8%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E8%A1%8C%E4%BD%BF%E7%9B%A3%E7%9D%A3%E6%AC%8A-%E8%AD%A6%E5%91%8A%E8%AD%B0%E5%93%A1%E8%A6%81%E7%82%BA%E6%90%8D%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E5%88%A9%E7%9B%8A-%E5%9F%8B%E5%96%AE/) #Apr17 #Beijing #Article22 High Degree of Autonomy? Hong…
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Netizens Identify HK Police Suspected of Shooting Indonesian Journalist in the Eye in a protest in HK in 2019

Netizens Identify HK Police Suspected of Shooting Indonesian Journalist in the Eye in a protest in HK in 2019

Netizens Identify Police Suspected of Shooting Indonesian Journalist in the Eye Indonesian journalist Veby Mega Indah was shot by the police in the eye when she was covering the Global Anti-Totalitarianism March on Sept 29, 2019. The injury made her lost her eye sight permanently in the right eye. Veby's demand for the officer's name had been objected by the Police. Her counsel Michael Vidler criticized the police for firing and not even conducting an investigation properly after the incident, as lawyers recovered the rubber bullet and other evidence at the scene 5 days later. Recently, a facebook post urged to find the name of the officer, claiming that the 6-month period for Veby to pursue a private prosecution would soon be due. A telegram channel revealed the identity of…
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US Navy fired a missile in South China Sea this afternoon

US Navy fired a missile in South China Sea this afternoon

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Barry - DDG 52 launched a missile during a live-fire exercise and conducted combat information center operations. Barry is underway conducting operations in support of security and stability in the Indo-Pacific while assigned to Destroyer Squadron Fifteen the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON and the U.S. 7th Fleet’s largest principal force.  
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China records the lowest number of infections, 8 new officially confirmed infections today

China records the lowest number of infections, 8 new officially confirmed infections today

China has recorded its official lowest tally yet from the coronavirus since the country went into a virtual state of emergency in January. The National Health Commission said on Friday there had been eight new officially confirmed infections from the virus in the past 24 hours, and seven deaths from it. Five of the new infections were in Wuhan, the central Chinese city where the outbreak began, and the other three were diagnosed among travelers arriving from abroad. According to the latest official count, China has confirmed a total 80,813 from the virus, including 3,176 fatal cases.
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